Buy Back Program for Nicki Lynn Jewelry

Do you have unused Jewelry you purchased from us? If you are willing to part with it, we are willing to pay you for it. NLJ is giving back to the community with a buyback initiative. We want to give your unused jewelry new life and meaning. We will buy back your lightly used and good condition jewelry for a store credit to purchase something new. We will donate your jewelry to the women and men that are challenged by economic hardships and are getting back to the workforce. Some of these awesome adults were homeless, struggling with addiction, and/or abused.  

If this is something you would like to participate in, fill out the form here and lets get started.

*Please only donate jewelry you have purchased from Nicki Lynn Jewelry. Jewelry that is recieved that is not made by NLJ will be returned to you or donated to another charity without you receiving a store credit*

*Please make sure jewelry is clean, lightly used and in good condition*

*The donator is responsible for the shipping charges incurred to NLJ. It is best to ship item(s) with insurance. NLJ is not responsible for lost or stolen items during transit times*